– Syringe with Syringe Shield inside Transport Shield-

– Fully Assembled ClearView Unit Dose Transport Shield –
ClearView Unit Dose Transport Shield (Pig)
The ClearView Unit Dose Transport Shield (patent pending), a pioneering innovation with a unique design that integrates the ClearView Beta-Gamma Syringe Shield directly into the unit dose pig. This transport shield is specifically designed for the safe and efficient transport of unit doses of radiopharmaceuticals such as Pluvicto, Lutathera (Lu-177), Ac-225, and Cu-67, with additional isotope shields currently in development. The ClearView Unit Dose Transport Shield offers several key benefits:
- Enhanced Quality Assurance and Validation: The shield’s transparent design allows for easy inspection and validation of contents at the production facility, ensuring quality and compliance.
- Improved Safety and Efficiency: The design minimizes the need for manual handling at the treatment facility, reducing radiation exposure and streamlining the treatment process.
- Optimized Workflow: By improving procedures at both the production and treatment sites, the shield enhances safety for all workers involved in the process.
- Cost and Environmental Benefits: The innovative design reduces the shipping weight by 25%, leading to significant savings in transportation costs and a lower environmental footprint.
- Regulatory Compliance: The shield will meet stringent regulatory standards, including those set by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 20, as well as the requirements under CFR Title 49 for the safe transport of hazardous materials.
The ClearView Unit Dose Transport Shield sets a new standard in the safe and efficient transport of radiopharmaceuticals, reflecting our commitment to innovation, safety, and regulatory compliance.